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From G Lloyd Helm - 9th April 2018
Take "Paradise Lost," mix it with "The Ghost Whisperer," and the battle scenes of the last Harry Potter books, drop the whole story into the middle of the great Cathedral at Cologne Germany, then add in some ancient heresy and some Karate and you got a pretty good slap dasher of a story in The Heavenly Interception. But seriously, this is a very interesting story built on an unfamiliar frame work. It falls under the "Fantasy" label and the "Paranormal" label but it doesn't exactly fit under either of those. Georgonicas' story stands very much alone and is very much worth the read to discover a new arm of fantasy--call it philosophical fantasy if you will. The author was raised in the Greek Orthodox church and it shows in his dealings with heaven, hell and the connection both have to the earthly plane. But the story, while being basically Christian, has some of the afore mentioned ancient heresies mixed in just to keep things interesting. The Heavenly Interception is interesting enough that I am personally looking forward to going back to get the first book of the trilogy, and the third book of the trilogy when it comes out. Georgonicas has fascinating winner here."
NY Literary Review- 6th Sept 2017
"A Heavenly Interception is a thrilling, action-packed adventure that will grip you from the start and keep you glued to the pages till the very end.
Eddie Georgonicas has a marvellous imagination. A Heavenly Interception is well-plotted with a unique, intriguing premise, unlike anything which has been written before.
The settings are richly described, and the characters are vivid and realistic.
There isn't a dull moment in this brainy thrill-ride.
Readers who like exciting, paranormal thrillers will hungrily devour this gripping page-turner.
A recommended read!" - NY Literary Magazine
Formal Book Review from http://www.longandshortreviewsya.com Reviewed by Orchid Rated at 3.5 / 5
Angels and demons, heaven and hell with life after death. Quite a combination of events and circumstances to encompass in one book.
Tony and Johnny, two young American men who have been lifelong friends, set out on the holiday of a lifetime in Germany. Months before, they helped the angels in their fight against Lucifer, but they have no memory of this as the angels wiped their memories of the event. Now Lucifer is out to get his revenge on them.
A fake attack on heaven enables Lucifer’s henchman Sebastian, to travel to earth where he begins his evil work with the aim of meeting and destroying Tony and Johnny. A trail of disaster follows him as he makes his way to Cologne.
This is an inspirational book with many aspects of religion. The archangels, Virgin Mary, and souls of the good are all there, but somehow the story didn’t gel together. There was no smooth transition from one scene to the next, the excitement and thrill was dulled by the way the scenes were presented. I also did not understand the reason for the two young German children to be involved with the story.
However, the idea behind the book is brilliant, a truly new aspect of looking at heaven, hell and Christianity. The angels are given a human side, although their basic goodness is uppermost. I found the way the souls were dealt with when they reached heaven was good and kind, what you’d expect from heaven. I believe a little more tweaking would bring it to its true potential and make it a winner.
Sharon (Waterville, KS, USA) - Review posted on GOODREADS
"Must admit I felt confused and mind was chaotic in the beginning until I adjusted to the authors overwhelming impressions of Heaven and Hell. The author's navigating each chapter between each group of characters kept my mind reeling for the outcome. The dying in Heaven or Hell again was a bit mind blowing.
Thank goodness it's a story. Very enjoyable read and thought provoking."
Tula Pavlou (S.A.) reviewed me on AMAZON.
This is the second book in the trilogy and I am hanging out for the third book. Not normally the genre that I would read but it has held my interest and I am thoroughly enjoying this book. I would be interested in which direction his next book will take us as I have followed the journey of Tony from the first book to the second and I must admit was pleasantly surprised with the direction this book has taken us.
Stella Temenu rated it 5 of 5 stars on GOODREADS
I loved this book, Eddie Georgonicas is s master of realistic teenage dialogue and creating characters with depth and authenticity - I found his story incredibly compelling. I'll be re-reading this one, for sure!
A Heavenly Interception is filled with lots of vivid descriptions and interesting characters. Its takes you on a fabulous journey through Germany, explores the great, interesting and often complicated intricacies of family and friendships. There’s a lot going on, a lot of characters to keep up with and POV switching between heaven, hell and the interesting characters on earth, it’ll keep you on your toes for sure. Overall, this is a nice story about good vs evil, believing in something bigger than yourself, love and most of all, the loyalty of friendship. - TK MARTIN (Adelaide, Aust - Member of the Australian Society of Authors - Y2014)
Review from Judith of Georgia USA - taken off Goodreads - scored at 4 out of 5 stars
*** This is a different look at the spiritual battles in high places--the battle between good and evil, between angels and fallen angels--one in which humans play an important part.
The book starts off very slowly, as the characters and their backgrounds are introduced. The reader sees how the angels are moving in the background to put humans in position so the overall plan can move forward.
Hang in there, though, because once everyone is in place, the action really begins. And, the author takes you on a trip that's nothing like you expected. And, sets the stage for the next book.
The book is not a difficult read, but the action is all over the place. The chapters are short which also work towards the pacing. As a reader, I would have liked to have been inside the characters a bit more--reading Spiritual Dreams of a Heavenly War was more like watching a movie take place. In fact, I could see this as a movie and think it would be an exciting one.
I'm looking forward to the next book to see what further adventures happen with Tony and Johnny--but I'm especially intrigued to see what's going to happen with Charlie and Mary, Tony's parents. ..... *****
I just finished reading your book, it was lovely! It was so easy and pleasant to read, I could never pick what was going to happen next which made me never want to put it down. Congratulations on writing such a wonderful book! I look forward to reading the next one - Krysta (Adelaide - F/Book message August 2014)
Reviews - From June 2013
(Note: Taken from references left on AMAZON & / or permission sought to post these Facebook and Webmail comments)
Hi Eddie, I have just finished your book. I am not normally a book reader & I find it a bit difficult to become interest in them. However I must admit that once I become involved in the story I found it impossible to put down, congratulations on an interesting book & I am looking forward to reading your next installment of this interesting saga, thank you again & I wish you all the best in your future novels, Ken from ANNA BAY, NSW AUSTRALIA - (Through Facebook 24/6/14)
(From Tony Hands - Southampton, UK -) It is great to read a new authors work. This book reminds me of an old fashioned adventure story and emphasizes friendship and family values that often seem lacking today. Half of the book is set in 'ordinary suburbia'. The two boys are just a little bit too good for me and I was wondering when the 'anarchy' would all begin. Good and Evil feature in this book although not really defined or questioned and again some exploration of anarchy would have been helpful. I hope that younger readers find this book. (Tony rated it 4 out of 5 on Goodreads)
A Review from HAYLEY (Author and Registered Member of the Australian Society of Authors)
"From the title, I expected a tale full of supernatural good versus evil struggles from the opening scenes. So I was surprised at the normal, everyday Australian suburban life setting - and in my hometown of Adelaide no less. Great to see South Australia featuring in print.
Georgonicas captures the feel of Australia in the 1960s - the suburban quarter acre block, plain & honest solid brick homes, strong lifelong neighbourly bonds, hard working Greek immigrant families, and a slower, more simple pace of life.
But beneath the normalcy is an undercurrent of otherworldly, Heaven versus Hell struggle as the very human characters are caught up in a heavenly competition for domination.
Descriptions of angels unlike any I had read before, and scenes of angelic battles jolted me out of the comfortable nostalgia set by the first part of the story. The Christian beliefs of the constant battle for souls waged between Heaven and Hell, the immaculate conception, and the role of archangels in the divine plan is interestingly woven with the more Buddhist belief of reincarnation and soul journey." - HAYLEY
"I didn't know what to expect when i started reading so it all came as a surprise and shock to learn of xxx deleted to not spoil the story xxx ...OOHHH got goose bumps now in what will happen next...Chills down my spine...LOVE LOVE LOVE IT..."
I could not put this book down! While I was reading it I became so engrossed in the story that I read it in a day. It was beautifully written and I enjoyed every minute I spent with the characters. I can't wait to continue the journey with them in the next book
"Hi Eddie, I just finished reading chapter 9...I am bawling my eyes out..Haven't stopped crying..What a brilliant book...I want to keep reading but am tired can't keep my eyes open..I will probably get up in the middle of the night to continue on to chapter 10...I really truly love the book..I can relate to the story and makes me feel that i am right in there with the grandparents and Tony..Hope you continue writing Eddie.."
"I am half way through and thoroughly enjoying the journey. I am with Tony and Johnny and they are in the other dimension now and I can't wait to find out what happens next. A beautiful read"
"This is compelling reading from the start to the end. The characters come alive in the readers mind and you are able to experience their journey with them. Your full range of emotions will be reached by this clever writer. This is a highly emotive, gripping and well written book that demands to be read!"
"I'm in the Barossa Valley sitting quietly in a warm lounge room two grandsons sleeping peacefully.. Reading Spiritual Dreams of a Heavenly War.. Eddie Georgonicas words cannot describe how much I am enjoying your book....Well done ..."
Loved this book would Recommend it to anyone, such a great story line, I can't wait for the second one brilliant book.