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Eddie Georgonicas was born and raised in the city of Adelaide located in Southern Australia. His passion for writing started probably a little later than most but when it came, the story needed to be told.
With writing interests (Both in NOVEL & SCREENPLAY) in the genres of Paranormal, Science Fiction, Horror, Fantasy, Drama, Supernatural, After - Life and Religious, he hopes to entertain audiences for years to come.
A BIG THANK YOU ... With regards to my "writing journey" - There have been a lot of individuals who have helped in their own little way, too many to list.

To my beautiful wife, Michelle - One of the loveliest souls I have ever met - I thank her for her continued love and support throughout my writing journey.
Thank you to Hollywood Producer, John Crye and Melissa Birks on their assistance and guidance on the development of my TREATMENT PLAN for A HEAVENLY INTERCEPTION. The ideas and work put forward by both of them, gave me ideas and great insight into writing my Screenplay titled "A HEAVENLY INTERCEPTION".
And to Hollywood Producer, Bonnie Solomon for her guidance and wisdom which went a long way into refining and developing a TV Series & Pilot for ANARCHY OF ANGELS.
​And to Rogue Phoenix Press (my publisher who is based in the USA) ... a big thank you for turning my dream into something I can share with others. Something (I think) many authors ultimately strive for.
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